Very Important Person
Date Owner Player Action
02.03.2018 19:20 AdmBot oSmok3 Got rank 6
02.03.2018 19:18 AdmBot GameSG.S Left the clan
02.03.2018 19:17 AdmBot SykoBAN Left the clan
02.03.2018 19:16 AdmBot MOvidiu Left the clan
02.03.2018 19:16 AdmBot 1babyCipCip1 Left the clan
02.03.2018 19:12 AdmBot oSmok3 Got rank 5
02.03.2018 19:12 AdmBot oSmok3 Joined the clan
02.03.2018 18:57 AdmBot KaltwerQ Got rank 5
02.03.2018 18:57 AdmBot BRAINIAC.BGA Joined the clan
02.03.2018 18:43 AdmBot $J0K3R$ Left the clan
02.03.2018 18:16 AdmBot KaltwerQ Joined the clan
02.03.2018 18:16 AdmBot SykoBAN Joined the clan
02.03.2018 18:16 AdmBot [F4L]BogdyPlays.Junior Left the clan
02.03.2018 18:15 AdmBot Komo.[PITONU] Left the clan
02.03.2018 18:10 AdmBot FanEXE Left the clan